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Sandwich Panels, Aluminum and Thermoplastics honeycombs and Foams

Инновационные сэндвич-панели для здравоохранения

Инновационные сэндвич-панели для создания облицовки, мебели, чистых помещений, готовых модулей для сдерживания биологического распространения, пригодные для безопасного обеззараживания и стерилизации.

Большая часть сэндвич-панелей и сот производства CEL Components может использоваться производителями систем, поставщиками чистых помещений, помещений или модулей для сдерживания биологического распространения. Легкость, но большая жесткость, устойчивость и особые отделки поверхности, в том числе с использованием антибактериальной краски.


Environmental impact and nature of the material are crucial in order to maintain a wholesome space.  An unsuitable material, combined with high humidity and temperature, can favour the permanence of viruses, on its surface, for up to 9 days.


Cel produces a wide range of semifinished materials and panels which can be used in several applications. 

Read our article in the newspaper LA REPUBBLICA published on 26/04/2020 »








Cleanrooms are uncontaminated areas used for scientific purposes, such as laboratories of various kinds (chemical, mechanical, opto-electronical), where airborne micro particles, environmental pollutants and microbes must be greatly reduced.

CEL COMPONENTS’ sandwich panels for clean rooms are generally made of an aluminium honeycomb core bonded with two skins of high pressure laminate or aluminium; they can be painted with anti-static ESD if specifically requested. These panels are normally used in walls, doors, floors, and ceilings.

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Bio hazard containment areas

CEL panels produces easily transportable, mountable and disinfectable modules and coatings for bio hazard-containment areas, in mobile prefabricated negative pressure units, prevention of contagion or epidemy areas, such as for example COVID 19.

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Deflectors for air flow laminarization

Cel Components supplies white or transparent polycarbonate honeycomb, which can be used in sterile rooms air suction and filtering devices, in order to laminate the air flow. Polycarbonate filters are already applied in intensive care units, where the presence of bacteria and viruses could saturate the environment dangerously, but could also be used in offices, homes and public spaces. 

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